Wednesday 26 September 2007


ON SEPTEMBER 26th in the year 46BC, Julius Caesar dedicated a temple to his mythical ancestor Venus Genetrix. On the same day in 1580, The Golden Hind
sailed into Plymouth, England, as Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe. Exactly 389 years later in 1969, The Beatles released the Abbey Road album in the UK, and now, on the exact same day in 2007, another earth shattering and globally momentous event has taken place.

As the chief muse Calliope re-garbs her bare flesh with heavenly silk and takes her place on her celestial throne, Urania raises a delicate finger to the firmament to indicate the perfect alignment of lunar entities that signals the commencement of a new era in veracity and vision.

The principal goddess raises a wry smile for she knows the time has come. For the 26th of September will no longer be remembered for the feats of Caesar, the accomplishments of Drake or the blaring whinges of four mop-headed Liverpudlians. The precise parallel alignment of the stars heralds only one event: the return of Superstani’s Shisha Lounge.

A shimmering beacon of hope and truth in the murky gloom of media spin and corporate back-scratching. A glowing torch illuminating the way to eternal creative nirvana.

As always, blowing the smoke of politics through the nostrils of forward thinkers.

Geez, don’t take it too seriously will you(!)

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